keskiviikko 2. lokakuuta 2013

Pulled pork pt4


Minulta valitettavasti lähti artikulointikyky maistettuani tuota revittyä ihanuutta..

Kaikille jotka tykkäävät luoda jotain suussasulavaa.. tehkää tätä. Voin riipaista reseptin jos joku tarvii :)

Tein tosiaan hodarin Leipomo Ståhlbergin Suolasarveen ja alle laitoin Vatajan pitkän nakin. Oms noms.

Ja ei kun syömään...

Pulled pork pt3

Dodiih liha ja kastike on uunissa. Menivät sisään noin kello 14:45 ja arvioisisin tuolla vähän yli 100 asteen lämmöllä, että liha on kypsää jo kuuden viiva seitsemän tunnin kuluttua.

Nyt vain jotain ruokaa tarttis kun tuli hirvittävä nälkä :)

Pulled pork pt2.

Jeppis jepulis. Liha on maustettuna jääkaapissa sitten laitoin siis suolat ja chile chipotle mausteet - nämä hieroin käsin itse lihaan ja käärin sen elmu kelmuun odottamaan että saan muut asiat valmiiksi.
Kastike on nyt tehtynä ja uuni lämpimänä on aika yhdistää nämä asiat toisiinsa.

Pulled pork

Tänään tehdään riivittyä possua uunissa porsaan lavasta. Kävin kaupassa tarkoituksena oli saada täksi illaksi tai viimeistään huomenna aamulla valmista pulled porkkia. Revitty possu tuntuu olevan se tän päivän trendiruoka kokkaajille ja ihan syystäkin. Se vaatii aikaa, paljon oivaltamista, mutta ei loppujenlopuksi paljoa osaamista.
Tänään siis tehdään pitkään haudutettua possun lapaa ja nähtyäni kaikki kaupasta tuomani ainekset pöydällä suussani oleva vesiautomaatti "drinkwell" rupee liukastamaan kurkkuani. Viimeistään kun näkee kuinka mureaa liha on tajuaa miten erikoista ruokaa on itse saanut aikaan.

Resepti on selkeä eli liha maustetaan, tuupataan itsevalmistettuun kastikkeeseen ja hitaasti miedolla lämmöllä (esim 95 astetta C) uunissa vuoassa tai valurautakattilassa odotellaan semmoinen 7h ja ruuasta tulee just hyvää...

Päivitän tätä postausta vaiheittain kun etenen... stay tuned!

Huomasin tosin ostaneeni kahta eri etikkaa. Ensin kaupassa valitsin punaviinietikan, mutta sitten löysin paremman riisiviinietikan.. unohdin vain palauttaa ensimmäisen hyllyyn.

lauantai 14. syyskuuta 2013

Home at last!

Trip back.
On the the day of our return our wake-up call was at 4 AM. We had roughly thirty minutes to sort ourselves and get ready for the car trip. My uncle Steve took us before he had to go to work and if you're reading this I thank you. You took off so much stress from our early morning return that as sad as it was it was still enjoyable.

The Airport
The queues for Ryanair check in were long when we arrived, but it wouldn't have mattered since we were there plenty early. I think at that time we still had 2,5 hours untill our scheduled flight. We got lucky though: as we entered the queue a lady was yelling out for passengers going to Finland and she escorted us to a "last call" queue which was short and quick. No idea why they thought we should be in a hurry, but it was a delighful quick step past the boring part of airport travel.

Having done our check-in we immediately went to the security check and although the queue there was semi-long it moved along very quickly and the staff at the conveyer belt we're absolutely fantastic. They were firm, but very polite and patient with us. Funny part about the liquids and one bottle in particular: the baby's juice. They let us take it, but they asked us to have a sip of it first. Probably just to check that the misty liquid wasn't acid or something. So amidst all that I had a sip and they let us pass. And they even remembered to thank us for being helpful.

At this time we were feeling like breakfast so we went into a restaurant which name I can't remember for the life of me, but it was a nice breakfast. A corner cafe/restaurant, I think it was American/Canadian themed right across from an italian breakfast cafe.

The plane
Once we arrived at the gate the queue was exceedingly long, but lucky for us we had priority boarding and as it happened there was only one lad in that queue so we got out of that and into the plane without a hassle.

Take off was a breeze and even our baby though so as she almost fell asleep before we reached our target heigh. Most of that trip went well, but as we started the landing sequence all bets were off and Julianna went nuts. Her ears were hurting apparently and there was little to nothing to be done for her, but comfort and wait for the last bump. Very quickly after landing, though she calmed down and everything was well with the world again.

Now without further ado I give to you some of the pictures from my (borrowed) Sony a65 SLR camera. We had one aperature with us which was 18-250 3.5-6.3f.