Having been an outgoing internet geek for what seems like my whole life it has been a small wonder that I haven't started a blog sooner. Many times I have found myself wanting to pursue things be it writing a blog or cleaning the apartment or skydiving off a plain. I'll call this occation one of my larger triumpfs against the pitfalls of my "later later" attitude. :)
I do have a point to this though. See I have always been a very forgetful person. I've usually brushed stuff like this off like "yah I'm excentric" or "I've got alot of things on my mind" - while these are true they have never adressed the actual source of the problem. Not untill fall of 2009 when I said right, enough is enough. I wen't to a psychiatrist and told her maam I think I have ADHD .
Admitting that I might have something wrong and that something being ADHD has turned my life around a whole 180°. The first awe and then shock when realising how my life has been how it is and how it could be just blew my mind away. See I have had huge problems with losing stuff, remembering to do tasks, being able to perform with boring tasks etcetera. To finally have a reason for it all at the same time has made me happy and a tad sad.
Countless times I have been in pointless arguments where in fact we have both been right or agreed on something but I have not had the ability to grasp the whole conversation and insisting that the other person has been wrong. This has affected many of my past relationships with people. That and the way I fuss with everything. Im here there and everywhere and the amount I talk - I can see would bother many.
I have been to this psychiatrist three times now and she tends to agree with me that yes you have ADHD, but the thing is she is not completely qualified to diagnose me so she said she will send me to a panel of doctors - three actually - who will evaluate our meetings (that have been written down) and they will further test me to see exactly what is ticking within. Now all the while they are pondering all of this I am positively sure by now that I have identified this -disability- if you will.
In my present state I could describe myself as being fidgety, forgetful, loud, always on-the-go, interruptive, single minded, happy.. Makes me wonder sometimes why on earth a person with all these symptoms has never been diagnosed, but instead been labeled as "he's just like that". While that's true that again has got nothing to do with the underlying reason for it all. I've spent countless nights browsing through youtube with people talking about their ADHD and doctors describing different aspects of ADD/ADHD and I'm just thrown down speechless on how much their stories resemble my life in that sence of living with a disorder.
Are you with ADD/ADHD? How did you react when facing it? I honestly can't tell you wether I'm better off right NOW, but I'd imagine with proper cognitive therapy and maybe the proper medication I too could cease to forget things. That's the dream anyway.
Take care internet, you'll never go out of style!
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