tiistai 23. marraskuuta 2010

Vähän kevyttä mainosta.

Ahoi selkä ja nikamavaivaiset! Tampereelle on rantautunut uusi Osteopaatti nimeltä Teemu Vänni ja hän pitää majaansa Tampereen Amurissa. Sain kunnian olla hänen ensimmäinen maksava asiakkaansa, ja kyllä täytyy myöntää uusia kipeitä paikkoja löytyi ja niihin selvisi syitäkin. Kaikkea näemmä se selkäkin joutuu kestämään ja millaisia stressitiloja se sitoo itseensä.

Osteopaatilla kannattaa harkita käydä vaikka välillä sen hieronnan sijaan, etenkin mikäli vaivat kehossa toistuvat ja halutaan löytää oireiden hoidon sijasta enemmän vaivan korjaamista.

Suosittelen hyvällä omatunnolla siis Teemun Osteopatiaa.

Ja facebookissa: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tampere-Finland/Teemun-Osteopatia/141772542541249

Näytä suurempi kartta

Käykää ihmeessä tutustumassa!

sunnuntai 17. lokakuuta 2010

Ihmisten kateelliset pienet demonit ne nostavat päätään.

Haluan aloittaa sanomalla etta kirjoitan osaksi vailla ääkkösiä nappaimiston puutteen vuoksi ja toivon etta sanomaani ei oteta tasta syystakaan irti asiayhteydesta tahi ymmarreta muutenkaan vaarin.

 Kirjoittelimme tuossa joku paiva sitten tuttavani kanssa edes takas Facebookissa kuinka meita hieman huvittaa tuo ylen homoillan kohu-uutinen. Mika parasta lukuisat julkiset blogit ovat saaneet aikaan sen, että useammat yksilöt ovat suin pain pamauttaneet ulos mita fantastisempia tarinoita ja tulkintoja kristinuskosta ja homoudesta.

Minusta keskustelu on vaarilla raidoilla. Ei pitaisi nyt olla kyse siita mika fantasiahahmo on sanonut mita ja onko Donatello Raphaelia parempi taistelemaan, koska he eivat ole olemassa. He ovat ihmisen mm. vilkkaan mielikuvituksen ja massaharhan tuotteita mika on saanut aivan liian suuren otteen valtavaestosta. Yhta lailla voitais julkisesti ottaa herne nenanvarteen siita, kun Stephanie ei ole vielakaan paassyt Brookesta eroon. Onhan se sita yrittanyt kuitenkin jo yli 20 vuotta. Onnea hanelle, toivon etta han onnistuu.

Kirjoitin mieltani tuolloin pari paivaa sitten kaverin Facebook seinalle ja minusta tuntui, etta halusin julkistaa ajatukseni paremmin ja julkisemmin. Alla on se aikaisemmin kirjoittamani viesti hieman jatkettuna: 

Mua kovasti harmittaa ihmiskunnan tilanne asiaan (uskontoon, elamaan ja itsemaaraamisoikeuteen) liittyen. Jälleen kerran pitää muistaa, että hyväksyn seka ymmarran tilanteen, että tämä on vain minun mielipideeni ja nakemykseni enka koe, etta minulla on vastaus kaikkeen, mutta sinänsä naen etta kokemukseni ja nakemykseni asiaan ovat loogisia semmoisenaankin. Tarkoitan sitä, että pidän sitä kovin lohduttomana, että niin monet palvovat uskontokuntia sokeasti ja riitelevät mikä on oikein. On koraania on raamattua on mahabharataa on mitä kaikkea ja siellä seurataan sitä tun tätä. Aina uskotaan, että oma juttu on se ainoa oikea, ainoa "Jumalallinen oikea teksti" joka johtaa jonkinsortin pelastukseen oli se konkreettiseen tai hengelliseen tai molempiin. Silmansa kun vain avaisi ja miettisi omilla aivoillaan, niin nakisi kaikki ne ristiriidat ja jumalattomuuden mika tata koko touhua vaivaa. 

Eilen kavelin ohi ison kadunvarsimainoksen, jossa oli kuva pienesta muslimitytosta ja alla oli teksti jota en sanatarkkaan muista, mutta sen idea oli, etta 'en saa maassani ruokaa, koska olen tytto'. Alla olikin joku taho pyytamassa lahjoituksia, jotta voisimme auttaa hanta. Eikos tuo ole sen maan tapojen ja heidän jumalan pilkkaamista? Jokin uskonlahko vaittaa etta hanen asemansa on olla huonompi ja me kehtaamme menna valiin sanomaan etta ei se noin ole? Minusta hanta kylla saisi auttaa, mutta mina taas en auttaisi hanta tuota mediumia pitkin. Tietysti tässäkin pätee se, että jokainen uskonto uskoo olevansa oikeassa joten saattaa olla oikein myös korjata toisten vääräuskoisten tapoja. Tässäkin kuten kaikissa asioissa pätee vahvimman laki. Voittajahan on se joka historiankirjat kirjoittaa, joten jälkipolvet tietävät vain miten voittaja sen halusikin olevan.

Vaikka lasken olevani agnostikko eli en suoranaisesti _kiellä_ ns. ylempiä voimia se ei tarkoita etten voisi nojata enemmän tai vähemmän fyysiseen ja konkreettiseen fysiikan todistettavissa olevaan lähestymistapaan, vaikka silti en henkeäni sen aatteen vuoksi suostuisikaan jakamaan ts. uskon näin kunnes todistetaan vääräksi.

Se hienoin probleema näissä kaikissa väitteissä hipoo vähän samaa kuin, että jos jotakuta väittää mielisairaaksi niin mielisairaan oletetaan ensimmäiseksi vaittavan että eipas ole mielisairas ja taten vahvistaa syyttajan uskoa yhden mielisairaudesta.. Samaa ajatusta on vähän siinä kun joku johonkin uskontokuntaan kuuluva vaittaa etta 'jos olet kanssani eri mielta olet tietamaton ja taten vaarassa. Vain jos olet samaa mielta tiedat jostain'. En ihmettelisi jos joku kaantaisi kiusallaan tuon ajatuksen minun puheitani vastaan, jotta han saisi oravanpyoran puheistani. Talla hetkella siis tuntuu, etta monilla on tama ajatusmaailma. Puhun myos erityisesti yhdesta hyvin fantastisesta ja julkeasta blogikirjoituksesta jonka luin eilen. Tosin tama kirjoittaja tuntuu olevan yksi muutamien joukossa ja vastarinnasta huolimatta huolestuttavinta on, etta muutamat jopa kannattivat naita ajatuksia. Nimittain kaiken taman vastalauseeni innoittamana on yksi herrasmies, joka oikeasti sai minut tuntemaan, etta ihmiskunnan arvo laski juuri monta pykalaa. Puhun henkilosta nimelta Jouko Piho ja hanen blogikirjoituksestaan
 ( http://joukopiho.puheenvuoro.uusisuomi.fi )

Uskovaisista minun tahanastisten toteamusten nojalla on minulle syntynyt kasitys, etta riitely on tasoa " minä tiedan olevani oikeassa koska luin XYZ kirjan ja ne muut jotka vaittavat olevan oikeassa, mutta erimielta kanssani ovat ZYX:stä". Uskonto on mielestani maailman helpoin mindfuck koska saantoja voidaan keksia hatusta eika perusteluita tarvitse antaa tai tietenkin voi, mutta ne ovat useammin pelotteluita kuin perusteluita. Ollaanko me sittenkaan edetty yhtaan muinaisaikojen noitavainoista? Joku osoittaa sormella ja huutaa NOITA niin kukaan ei uskalla kieltaa muuten tunnustaa olevansa itsekin. Uskonto on kehittynyt aikojen saatossa, mutta tietysti on jalkeenpain helppo kritisoida, etta "ei kaikki kehitys tahan asti ole ollut positiivista". Uskonnon aatteelliset johtajat, ne jotka lobbaavat tiettya kayttaytymista vanhoihin kirjoihin vedoten ovat minusta ne, jotka salaliittoja taalla harrastavat herra Piho. Minusta sinulla on joko heikko kasityskyky siita miten asiat toimivat oikeassa elamassa suhteessa toisiin vahan samaan tapaan kun sinulla on muista moinen kuva. Toinen vaihtoehto on sitten etta sina manipuloit tarkoituksellisesti pilke silmakulmassa ajaaksesi omaa agendaasi, mika toisaalta ei sinun statuksessasi kuulosta loogiselta vaihtoehdolta. Ei ole saatanaa, on vain aikojen saatossa ollut ihmisia jotka ovat halunneet manipuloida toisia ihmisia pelottavilla tarinoilla. Ihmisen pelokkaan mentaliteetin takia paras tapa ohjata ihmisia on pelotella. Itsessaan kuolema ei valttamatta ole loppuun kidutetulle masentuneelle katuorjalle peloite pikemminkin pelastus, ellei hanella ole syyta pelata etta han karsisi kuolemankin jalkeen ikuisesti. Siinahan vasta onkin oiva kannustin tekemaan juuri kuinka "minun raamattu" kaskee. Aina on kuitenkin ollut niita ihmisia, jotka tahallisesti hyotyvat uskonnosta, ja niita poloisia jotka menevat lankaan. 

Itse en ole homoseksuaali enka uskovainen. Olen tosiaan mainitsemani agnostikko ja se nyt sinänsä ei ota selkeää linjaa suuntaan tai toiseen ja taten voi sanoa, etta minunlainen ihminen pelaa sitä varmaa keskikenttää, mutta minusta niillä asioilla minusta pitää pelata mitkä toimivat. Uskoin tai en voin sen selkeasti nyt linjata etta en usko yhteenkaan kirjaan tai kirkkoon, joita yksikaan ihminen voisi minulle tyrkyttaa tai valmiiksi pureskella. 

Minusta ei ole sattumaa että on loydetty tutkimustuloksia siita, etta yhä pienempi osa älykkäämmästä väestöstä kuuluu uskontokuntiin tai kokee olevansa uskovainen kuin taas vähempiälykkäistä aina suurempi määrä kuuluu (lähde: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100224132655.htm ) - ottakoon tuon kuka hyvansa loukkauksena, mutta kirkko varmaan kohta kieltää älyn vedoten Aatami ja Eeva tarinaan, jossa syntisesti syötiin järjen antavaa omenaa. Tosiasias on, että ei ole häpeä olla toistaan fiksumpi tai edes tyhmempi - se nyt vaan on niin. Maailma ei ole se paikka joista tarinoissa puhutaan, jossa kaikki annetaan valmiiksi, jossa aina löytyy joku joka rakastaa tai että oikeudenmukaisuus voittaa. Sen määrittää vahvimman laki. Vahvin voittaa. Ei ole sita suurta yhtenaista yhdenmukaisuutta vaan on 6 miljardia 'mina mina' ihmista. Osa heista sit vaan loytavat yhteisia kiinnostuksen kohteita ja muodostavat erinaisia joukkioita, ja toimivat ryhmissä, yhteiskuntina, perheinä, valtioina. Mikään yksi malli tähän asti ei ole ollut täysin vedenpitävä joten, miksi ei pitäisi harkita uudenlaista maailmanjärjestystä? Ei tässä ketään sormella nauraen osoiteta suuntaan eikä toiseen. Minusta on loukkaavampaa ihmiskuntaa kohtaan, etta asioita ei saa myontaa sellaisenaan vaan kaikkeen pitaa liittaa varikynalla uhkakuvia paholaisista ja vääryydestä. Salama on aina vain salama, ei se merkitse sen enempää kuin lumisadekaan. Siina olen samaa mielta Jouko Pihon kanssa, etta maailmassa on vaikutusvaltaisia ihmisia joilla on rahaa ja ne kayttavat sita saadakseen tahtonsa lapi. Se tietysti on melko suurpuheisesti sanottu, etta on olemassa yksi ainoa koneisto joka salaa tyostaa tahtoaan suurta maailmanmuutosta kohti, ja että tämä tuhoaa meidän loistavan olemassaolon tavalla tai toisella. Totuus on varmasti enemman sita etta on lukemattomia erivoimaisia koneistoja, jotka tyostavat kukin omaa agendaansa. Niinkuin on aina ollut.

En myös arvosta sitä että uskomista perustellaan lohdutuksella ja yritetään peitellä pelkoa elämään ja kuolemaan liittyvissä asioissa. Ihmisten pitäisi myöntää asioiden laita eikä ruveta itkemään puseroonsa. Kuoleminen on luonnollista ja miljardit ihmiset sitä ovat jo tehneet ja kaikki maan 6 miljardia sen tulevat kokemaan saman. Se jos vaikka maailmasta puolet paattaisi olla homoja herra Piho se ei tarkoittaisi ihmiskunnan kadotusta vaan lähinnä pelastusta. Jos meillä olisi yleismaailmallisesti pienempi syntyneisyys me emme ylikuormittaisi tata planeettaa niin paljoa.

Silti kukin tekee kuten haluaa: Joku on tässä maailmassa toiselle homo, joku on äiti, joku on isäks syntyny mut haluaa olla äiti ja joku tykkää serkustaan, joku juo olutta ja joku syö koiria.. Löytyy myös kapitalisteja, kommareita. On liberaalia ja konservatiiveja. Sit on niita jotka yleensä menevät ja tukevat asioita ja niita jotka lähtevät lähtökohdasta, että vastustavat. Ei siihen uskontoa tarvita selittämään asiaa vaan sitä että maailma on satunnainen vyöry loputtomia instansseja ja jokainen jolle mahdollisuus annetaan varmasti löytää paikkansa ja mielipiteensä asiaan. Tai sitten lainaavat toisilta. Vahvimman laki patee kaikissa. Raha on kyllä hyvin vahva instanssi, koska se saa aikaan asioita, mitä monet muut eivät saa. Raha on tosin loppujenlopuksi vain velkakirja, lupaus palveluksesta joka on yleismaailmallinen. En sano etta raha on se ultimaattinen _oikea_ ohjaava voima, mutta oikein käytettynä siitäkin on hyötyä. Jossain kohtaa missa ihminen piirsi ensimmaisen rajansa maahan ottaen sen sisalle jaavan tontin itselleen meilla alkoikin tuo alamaki jota myos kirkko on lussuttanut

Ja mita rahaan tulee herra Piho - kautta aikojen uskonnolliset tahot ja kaikenmaailman kirkot ovat olleet oikein myonteisia mita tulee rahan vastaanottamiseen. Jos raha on saatanasta kuten sanot niin silloin kirkko imee saatanan rahaa vuotavia nanneja. Eroisit itse kirkosta ennenkuin taskuusi palaa reika.

Kirjoittaja on Tampereen Yliopiston opiskelija, joka uskoo mielipiteeseensä ja seisoo sen takana.

Riku Joyce aka BaQu82
Sent from my iPad

perjantai 8. lokakuuta 2010

Itsy bitsy iPad... Urbans and pet peeves.

Hello internet!

Ok now that I've had this glorious piece of modern tech sweetness for almost 5 months, I thought to myself it to be rather odd that I haven't properly mentioned anything about it. Hence the next section of my blog I like to call:


Ok to start off I have tried to be quiete about the fact that I have one. Only thing is it's hard to avoid blatant stares and questions that usually start with the same jist or tone of voice: "Didn't u know that it's a no good overpriced toy?" or my personal favourite "oh you have THAT? Don't you like need two so you can work and listen to music?" or even the occational "why did you get that, I couldn't imagine buying that because I need [insert name of windows only based software]."

And just so I don't immediately come off as an elitist jerk I'll start off with the cons of the ipad that are cons only comparing them to a regular laptop. I'm not going into a debate wether or not I should still be carrying a pen and paper with me :)

So you want to hear about the cons, huh...?

"There is no multitask yet is there?". That said I hope you noticed the yet in there (he he he I said yeti there, cough). Apple have promissed a forthcoming update in november which will among other things include multitasking. Also I hear about wireless printing and video over the air (I think I even saw the word DLNA for those who understand about those things). But even without multitasking I have to hand it to the software engineers. The software programs remember things well. For instance when I had to close up this text editing software just to get a link to copypaste here the page was automatically saved and opened up when I came back to it. So in a sence it felt like alt tabbing out. Web pages (and also the numerous opened tabs) all open up when restarting the browser too. Spotify remembers which song was playing last. And to answer the question about listening to music while doing other stuff? Yes the ipad has always supported having ipod open and playing while doing other stuff like let's say writing a blog.. Something about the new update here: http://www.apple.com/ipad/software-update/

"No real keyboard equals bad typing?" Well yes it does. Compared to an actual hardware keyboard this is alot harder. I might even have a few typos while writing this blog, but then again the ipad supports BT keyboards and there are very portable ones out there that one could get if they typed alot. But then again I've made my peace with the touch screen.

"The OS is not open enough and I can't get software on it that I want!" This is a tricky one. Yes indeed it is. I honestly can't break this one other than by saying that what is it actually you want to do and does the iPad have to do it for you? All I'm saying that my windows mobile phone has office and I wouldn't dream of using it on it. All the while when the ipad is not exactly a replacement for the laptop - it does come far. And what I think is for the most part it's enough. The amount of software available for the iPad is perplexing and more are coming. Don't forget that you can always jailbreak your ipad and get even more on it if you don't feel the need to pay for stuff. I can watch movies, listen to music (also online via spotify), browse the web, read and write e-mails and books, chat using various programs (msn, fb chat, google talk etc.) and the ipad is not half arsed as a gaming device either. The possibilities of a touch screen haven't been fully utilised yet, but one instance springs to mind: board games! There are oodles of them!

No flash? Get over it flash should die out. Html 5 is an excellent substitute for online videos. I seriously doubt that anyone would not buy the ipad because you cannot play online flash-based browser games on it. Am I wrong? Besides flash does tend to have alot of security issues now and again. http://www.google.fi/search?q=flash+security+issues&hl=en&client=safari&prmd=n&source=univ&tbs=nws:1&tbo=u&ei=TtiuTOiXHsegOuabmdIF&sa=X&oi=news_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CCMQqAIwAw

No camera. Well yah that's a shame I guess. But then again my phone has one and I can use a software called bump to transfer the images. But still a small webcam would be sweet.

No usb. True. Haven't found many things I'd want attached to it though..

That was the cons and quickly proof reading it made me feel it was also a good pros section, he he. But to the actual pros:

TEN HOURS OF VIDEO PLAYBACK. Two days of normal use otherwise. Beat that on your 500e laptop.

Large touchscreen that is not only fluid and responsive - has a very good resolution too.

Does not crash. No. Never.

Remembers stuff that I've done so it doesnt feel like closing programs more like minimizing.

I've managed to get it to respong to 8 finger touches simoultaniously without it hanging or slowing down.

Light weight and small.

No fan, completely passive cooling. Also doesnt really heat up.

Easy to use. Literally pull it out of a bag like a magazine and its ready for use.

When you 'shut it down' as in turn the screen off the battery seems to last forever. But even though it does it still beeps if I get pushmail. <3

You never have to actually turn the machine completely OFF.

Has a microphone and 3,5mm headphone jack.

Because of it's form factor and light weight I can attach it with ease to the dashboard of my car. 10 inches of gps baby. I use velcro on it and it works like a charm. I also put a few white velcro strips in my appartment so I can attach the ipad in places where it could be useful. Useful youtube video demonstrating this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LZ7VdwY5cQ

I'm planning on getting a ipad supported stylus so I can actually write math notes and equations down during class. I hate to use paper but until then typing numerical equations down on a keyboard is a big pain (on any computer).

All of that being said I'm confident that anyone who stuck with it and read all the way through should have atleast understood that the ipad is not merely an overpriced toy. After that, though, it's not my problem if you don't want one. I still do. :)

Be safe internet, use a prophylactic when needed.
RJ aka BaQu82
Sent from my iPad

perjantai 17. syyskuuta 2010


Hello internet!

I had been waiting anxiously for some mail from two different parties recently. Of which both in their way had the chance to change my life somewhat. The thing is I hate waiting. I know that something important is coming but not the actually when. The feeling of frustration when I think about it its just awful.

Then at long last came yesterday. 2 new letters resided in my mailbox it seemed. And to my liking yes both of them were indeed the ones I've been waiting for. So there I was looking at the letters and trying to decide which to go for first. The decision wasn't that hard, though. The less important one was the obvious choice for me which was also the larger potential setback.

Ok so the bad news first: I happened to speed past a police camera a while back and it flashed as I passed it, doh. My biggest worry was that I was speeding enough for the ticket to be in the triple digits and worse off I could lose my lisence. Well luckily enough the amount settled to a very doable 70 euros which ofcourse I am not happy to pay, but I am relieved that it's merely that. Crisis averted. Next.

The good news then? I got called in my for ADHD exams in TAYS (university hospital in tampere) which is not as late as I had feared. I was given an estimate of 6 months before I'd be called back which would have been the end of november. Instead now I have a date set for the end of this month. How fab is that!

The annoying part of the invitation is that I have to pull out a plethora of information from my childhood. Old report cards, any infirmation regarding doctor visits, pictures from various parts of my childhood that I find important.. ...as if I was ever the type to keep that sort of stuff. Who knows I might get lucky and find some stashed away at my parents place. I'm not going to hold my breath though ( not untill I start dusting the boxes I'm about to rummage).

Being in a shadow of uncertainty has been a drag for the most part, although in my mind and my life I have found that whatever I am - I'm still more absent minded, more forgetful and more hyper than anyone I know personally. And for the most part people do tend to agree with me which supports my feelings on the subject. On the other hand I have talked with people who know me who would like to disagree with me. The other of these saying that I just want to get off easily. There must be something in that which I haven't grasped yet. Being adhd is not a jail free card. It is merely that some symptoms make it harder or darn near impossible to finish certain things in a normal fashion. You think it bums you out that I say that? Consider how I feel when I know I can't deliver with my best efforts, So if you want me to it anyway? Ofcourse I'll try but I'll let you know it's going to hit the fan at some point.

I am however trying to learn new ways and gimmicks as a sort of work-around and indeed they have helped to an extent. For what it's worth I'm less pushy nowadays. ;)

RJ aka BaQu82
Sent from my iPad <-- notice that yet? Yah I broke and just got the thing. It's iAwesome.:)

keskiviikko 8. syyskuuta 2010

Hello internet!

It's that time of the year again. Yes Uni has started and I too have crawled out like so many others from our proverbial caves and bumped heads at campus. Meeting new faces can be anything you want it to be but most of us expect it to be an awesome experience. So much anticipation goes towards that one day of meet and greet and all you can do is hope your first impression was ok. The reality is usually more like did they even notice me (questionmark).

Meeting new people for some of us though is a daily thing. You either get along or you don't and then you move along. Nothing more honest about recognising a person, greeting them and mutually understanding that this was it let's move along - so long. Next.

If you consider how many of there are of us living in one area of influence (which technology does seem to expand quite a bit), we could just acknowledge that you get a better worth for the effort if you just cut your losses and move along. What am I talking about? Have you ever made a very bad first impression on a person you already liked? Tried to correct that first impression? In most cases I must say it would be a better cause left unfought. In the 21st century people aren't as unique and irreplaceable as before. But this is a good thing.

I have this friend who is social, funny, and everyone who meets him like him. But he has a major problem. To cut to the chase he's scared shitless of meeting new people he would/could later on form relationships with. This person I'll call him Mike.

So yes Mike has no problem socialising with his own friends or their spouses and actually he does so frequently. But then again if there is an event in which there is a possibility of meeting girls he would go on and get the jitters and be nervous about it before hand. Well then again who sometimes doesn't? Maybe it's the anticipation and or fear of something going wrong. Maybe he's a perfectionist without the proper skillset. Either way I'll just go ahead and loosely combine a few true notions: failure and failure again makes perfect. ;) you can't expect not to crash and burn unless you have one of the following:

1 First hand knowledge of what is needed to crash and burn
2 an innate drlovegood gene that just tells you what is right. (yes everyone thinks they have one and the mind tends to think it swells up when drunk)

My values while growing up regarding relationshios and the meaning of them were severely distorted by movies and common aristocratic beliefs that there is a higher meaning to everything. Terms like 'the one' and 'soulmate' paved my thoughts when searching for an answer. I'd still like to believe that these things exist, but like all stories this belief too must end sometime if I don't want to bury my head in the sand like my friend Mike does.

In people, relationships and friendship - the only way to find out what works is face the ones you fear the most since those are the oceans less travelled. Personal growth starts from jumping out of your own comfort zone into the risk zone where new frontiers are met.

Have a good one,
RJ aka BaQu82
Sent from my iPad

tiistai 25. toukokuuta 2010

Hello Internet!

I have this new found zest for life right now. Much going on at the moment and a lot of things to look forward to. Today I'll be going out on an island to relax in a cottage which is just sweet, albeit it is raining outside. Some drinking activities coming up in the weekend also two of my good friends are getting married and sometime after that I get to go on a 2 night cruise. So much stuff planned right now I can't believe it ;)

So .. about that iPad.. wouldn't it be weird if I ranted on and on about it being a waste of time and maybe not being worth your salt and then after all that I'd wanted one? Wouldn't it also be weird for me to order it just on a whim? I guess that's my ADHD acting up but I just gotta have that sucker :)

Yah so I'll prolly get my iPad in july when my lovely sister comes to visit from the USA. Yah you know who you are! I will be giving more banal statements about the iPad once I get it.

I started my own tweetpage today. Although it's a certainty no one will ever venture as far as twitter.com in Finland I thought it to be socially comforting to know atleast I'm available for peeping over the internet in more venues than one. So do dare to check out my tweets and comment and whatever. Here's an incentive. Comment something interesting on either my tweet or blog and I will reward you somehow. Let's see what I'll do. Yah no I won't send you cash so stop asking already ;)
So go to twitter and bq82


And as always my youtube channel is still open at http://www.youtube.com/baqu82 and here is my newest edition for you straight on my blog!

tiistai 11. toukokuuta 2010

The iPad vol2, (RIP vol1)

Hello internet!

So, you really think the apple iPad is worth the hype, huh? What kind of pure genious or if I may just throw it out there wondrous sorcery does Steve Jobs posess in his back pocket that a large iGroup are eating out of the iPalm of his iHand? (see what I did there?)

The iPad at first glance looks smexeh. Yes, I said that. It looks like a finger scrollers wet dream with it's large screen and multitouch capabilities. What about the rest though? Above all else I see that the iPad is an e-reader, but with added bonuses of internet, music and shiz. So where is the webcam, or external peripheral support via usb? There is none. At this time I'm not sure if the new 4.0 OS update brought the much craved multitask also to the iPad machines or only the smaller in size but not in ego iPhones and iPod Touch so I won't take much of a piss at that aspect. Otherwise if they didn't update it u all know - no music while reading or surfing. Boring. So for all you youtube bloggers this machine is really just an epeen to show off to friends with it's sleek smexy. No video updates with it nope nada not a chance.

All of that novelty fun wears off quicker than cheap eyeliner in the rain. After all that fun you're left with a machine with either wi-fi or 3G, a miniscule sized harddrive and no way to add new functionality other than what itunes store has to offer (thinking big $$$ for developers though). So what? I want it! Yes I bet you do want it. It's fun too it seems. Have you seen the youtube video with a cat playing with it? Pulling on some strings and they follow and wobble! Wheeeee! Oh yes not forgetting the touchable piano!

Still all in all with all things considered turned and tumbled yes the iSeries of touchmachines still has an unrivaled sence of stability and speed and ease of use. No machine has been able to duplicate the great innovations of apple corp.

For most that seems to be enough.

Take care iNternet, you got iT.

My email blog test

Hello internet!

I'm testing the way the blog looks like when sending via e-mail application..

This could be interesting, not :) Stay tuned for my intake of the apple iPad vol2. Yes vol1 went to rye since blogger decided to erase everything I had written down. I actually had like this epic motivational thing going on but alas it is lost. The amount of awesome written down in vol1 is irreplaceable and it cnnot be dublicated not by a longshot. That is just how awesome it was. But Vol2 will be even better! ;)

Take care internet, you will never start to sag.

Sent from my HTC

maanantai 10. toukokuuta 2010

Barney Stinson has ADHD ;)

Hello internet!

I'd like to add more to my last topic, namely ADHD.

There are numerous websites which have more info for people struggling to understand childhood and adult ADD/ADHD.

-“zoning out” without realizing it, even in the middle of a conversation.
-extreme distractibility; wandering attention makes it hard to stay on track.
-difficulty paying attention or focusing, such as when reading or listening to others.
-struggling to complete tasks, even ones that seem simple.
-tendency to overlook details, leading to errors or incomplete work.
-poor listening skills; hard time remembering conversations and following directions.
::End quote :: helpguide.org

The thing is: ADHD also comes with many benefits. Being impulsive keeps things fresh and innovative. Empathy is something common with ADHD people, and I consider myself having it. Although it's not always as obvious as one might hope, but alot of things I do is a compromise due to empathy. It's all about knowing your strenghts and utilising them when the time comes.

Another capacity brought on by ADD is the ability to hyper focus on things. For instance, if one sees something they want to achieve, then he or she will make a great endeavor out of focusing on that objective and will be obstinate about not letting go what he or she has attained.
::End Quote :: www.adhdchildparenting.com

I am still eagerly waiting for a letter from TAYS that will tell me when my next real appointment is. All in all the times are changing and maybe soon enough I can start a relatively productive life. The thing is alot of this has affected my school progress. Although I don't like to admit it, I have been progressing at a diminishing rate. It's not that the courses are overwhealming or that I don't have the time - it's just a huge effort to get things done so classes get dropped. This is something I hope to correct with the upcoming diagnosis.

Wish me luck and take care Internet.



sunnuntai 9. toukokuuta 2010

Wait, why -wouldn't- you pick ADHD as a superpower?

Hello internet.

Having been an outgoing internet geek for what seems like my whole life it has been a small wonder that I haven't started a blog sooner. Many times I have found myself wanting to pursue things be it writing a blog or cleaning the apartment or skydiving off a plain. I'll call this occation one of my larger triumpfs against the pitfalls of my "later later" attitude. :)

I do have a point to this though. See I have always been a very forgetful person. I've usually brushed stuff like this off like "yah I'm excentric" or "I've got alot of things on my mind" - while these are true they have never adressed the actual source of the problem. Not untill fall of 2009 when I said right, enough is enough. I wen't to a psychiatrist and told her maam I think I have ADHD .

Admitting that I might have something wrong and that something being ADHD has turned my life around a whole 180°. The first awe and then shock when realising how my life has been how it is and how it could be just blew my mind away. See I have had huge problems with losing stuff, remembering to do tasks, being able to perform with boring tasks etcetera. To finally have a reason for it all at the same time has made me happy and a tad sad.

Countless times I have been in pointless arguments where in fact we have both been right or agreed on something but I have not had the ability to grasp the whole conversation and insisting that the other person has been wrong. This has affected many of my past relationships with people. That and the way I fuss with everything. Im here there and everywhere and the amount I talk - I can see would bother many.

I have been to this psychiatrist three times now and she tends to agree with me that yes you have ADHD, but the thing is she is not completely qualified to diagnose me so she said she will send me to a panel of doctors - three actually - who will evaluate our meetings (that have been written down) and they will further test me to see exactly what is ticking within. Now all the while they are pondering all of this I am positively sure by now that I have identified this -disability- if you will.

In my present state I could describe myself as being fidgety, forgetful, loud, always on-the-go, interruptive, single minded, happy.. Makes me wonder sometimes why on earth a person with all these symptoms has never been diagnosed, but instead been labeled as "he's just like that". While that's true that again has got nothing to do with the underlying reason for it all. I've spent countless nights browsing through youtube with people talking about their ADHD and doctors describing different aspects of ADD/ADHD and I'm just thrown down speechless on how much their stories resemble my life in that sence of living with a disorder.

Are you with ADD/ADHD? How did you react when facing it? I honestly can't tell you wether I'm better off right NOW, but I'd imagine with proper cognitive therapy and maybe the proper medication I too could cease to forget things. That's the dream anyway.

Take care internet, you'll never go out of style!